Dogs are strictly on application! As you will see by the sign at the front gate, dogs are only on application.

People Staying Over Night At Good Hope Resort Only May Apply To Bring Their Dog Into The Park. This Covers The First Night Stay, Then It Is $15 Per Night Per Dog Thereafter.

We need to control numbers therefore dogs are prohibited to Day Visitor guests at all times.
To gain approval you will need to meet a certain criteria:

– You will need to email a photo and a current vaccination certificate minimum 48 hours prior to arrival.
Email Liz at reception [at] and wait for our response.

– Should we agree you will need to agree to the park rules – never off the lead especially next to the water, don’t ever leave them alone (they cry – you don’t hear them we do), control barking, clean up after them and any complaints you must be prepared to take them home.

– Only friendly/approachable dogs are accepted. You will need to bring your dog in so we can meet it. Dogs of dangerous breeds will be refused entry.

– Each Dog must wear a Good Hope Resort issued dog tag whilst in the park; all dogs without our tags will be made to take their dog home immediately.